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All of the latest news.
On October 15th we held nominations for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, At-Large Reps, BC Rep and Trustee along with IAFF convention delegates. We will have an election for the IAFF delegate position between Cass Monroe and Grant Haschak.
The following positions won by acclamation:
Vice President – Keith Allen
At-Large Reps – Tom Fields, Cass Monroe, and Jeff Byrd
Trustee – Todd Metter
BC Rep – (Open, no current nominations)
I would like to thank the members that have continued to step forward to represent our membership.
If you have any questions please reach out to your Executive Board.
IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery
The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment facility specializing in PTSD for IAFF members – and IAFF members only – who are struggling with addiction, PTSD other related behavioral health challenges to receive the help they need in taking the first steps toward recovery. It is a safe haven for members to talk with other members who have faced or overcome similar challenges.
If you’re struggling with post-traumatic stress along with co-occurring depression, anxiety or substance abuse disorders, you need treatment from professionals who understand the fire service culture and the unique pressures of your job. The IAFF Center of Excellence connects you to best-practice, evidence-based therapies delivered by clinicians who understand the types of trauma you experience on a day-to-day basis.
Center staff cannot discuss your treatment with anyone — your fire department, family or friends — unless given explicit permission by you. This applies before, during and after your stay at the IAFF Center of Excellence.
With seven treatment centers across the United States, the continuum of care provided by Advanced Recovery Systems is unsurpassed. The IAFF has partnered with Advanced Recovery Systems to provide members with specialized treatment for the everyday stressors that trigger PTSD, behavioral health disorders and substance abuse.
Tel: (425) 453-0948
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Bellevue Firefighters
Twitter: @iaff1604
Mail: P.O. Box 53568
Bellevue, WA 98015